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The Superpower & Kryptonite to Your Business with Jasmine Star

business business advice business growth entrepreneurship Dec 11, 2023

Welcome to a journey of entrepreneurial discovery and growth. I'm excited to share insights from a special episode of the "Candy Valentino Show," where I had the privilege of engaging with Jasmine Star, a distinguished business strategist and creative entrepreneur.

Jasmine’s journey is a narrative of transformation and resilience. From picking up a camera without knowing the first thing about photography to creating her empire in the entrepreneurial world, her story resonates with anyone who dreams big. In our conversation, we checked into the core aspects that shape an entrepreneur's journey – overcoming self-comparison, learning from setbacks, and the art of prioritizing business growth.

This post captures our discussion, focusing on essential themes crucial for anyone in the entrepreneurial space. We talk about navigating the challenges of business, the significance of personal growth in professional success, and practical strategies for evolving in the ever-changing business world. Join us as we share our experiences and insights, hoping to inspire and guide those on their entrepreneurial journey.

Overcoming Comparison in Business

One of the most significant hurdles many face is the tendency to compare their journey to that of others. This section highlights our discussion on recognizing and embracing one's unique path in the entrepreneurial world, free from the shadows of comparison.

Embracing Individuality in Entrepreneurship

In our conversation, we touched upon the crucial aspect of overcoming comparison in business. As entrepreneurs, it’s easy to fall into the trap of measuring our success against others. Jasmine emphasized the importance of embracing our individuality. She pointed out that comparison often hinders our ability to see the unique value we bring to the table.

Three Forms of Comparison and How to Counter Them

Jasmine eloquently broke down comparison into three categories: mental, physical, and emotional. She shared insights on how each of these forms of comparison manifests and provided strategies to counteract them. For instance, mental comparison often involves doubts about our capabilities relative to others, and overcoming it requires a shift in mindset to recognize and celebrate our own strengths and journey.

The Power of Unique Contributions

We further discussed the power of making unique contributions in our respective fields. Jasmine highlighted that even if two individuals say the same thing, the impact varies because everyone has a unique voice that resonates differently with different people. This part of our discussion serves as a reminder that our individual experiences and perspectives are invaluable and irreplaceable in the world of business.

Learning Through Action and Failure

The conversation shifts to the idea that real learning and growth in business come from action and the acceptance of failure. Jasmine encourages us to "try anything" as inaction often stems from overthinking about the steps ahead. It's about taking that first step, however small it may be, and learning from each experience, successful or not.

Scaling Business by Prioritization

The key to scaling a business successfully lies in strategic prioritization. In the initial phase of a business, saying 'yes' to a variety of opportunities can be advantageous, as it allows for exploration and growth. However, as the business expands, it becomes imperative to learn the art of saying 'no'. This isn't about limiting possibilities, but rather about concentrating on what's genuinely important. By setting clear boundaries and focusing our efforts, we can direct our resources to the areas that will have the greatest impact on our business. It's about quality over quantity, and making smart choices that align with our long-term vision and goals.

Jasmine’s Diverse Entrepreneurial Ventures

A Photographer's Journey Begins

Jasmine Star's entrepreneurial odyssey commenced with a simple yet deep love for photography. Without formal training but armed with unwavering determination and a gifted camera, she began on a path that would redefine her career and identity, illustrating the early stages of her journey where passion met opportunity.

From Photography to Online Education

As Jasmine's expertise and reputation in photography grew, she recognized a unique opportunity to extend her impact through online education. She started creating courses that not only shared her technical knowledge but also imparted the business acumen she gained, effectively transitioning from a photographer to an educator and mentor in the creative industry.

Venturing Into the Tech World

Jasmine's entrepreneurial spirit led her to the tech industry, where she launched a startup, marking a significant shift from her creative roots. This venture into tech was driven by her desire to address gaps she identified in her industry, demonstrating her ability to adapt and innovate in an entirely new field.

Membership Sites and Beyond

Recognizing the power of community and ongoing engagement, Jasmine ventured into developing membership sites. These platforms allowed her to foster a deeper, more sustained connection with her audience, offering continuous learning and support, further cementing her role as a community builder and influencer.

Embracing New Opportunities

Jasmine’s journey is characterized by her willingness to continually evolve and embrace new challenges. Her career is a testament to the entrepreneurial spirit of never settling, always exploring new avenues and opportunities and being ready to adapt to the changing business landscape.

The 'One Word' Concept for Personal Growth

Have you ever considered the power of a single word to transform your year?

Jasmine Star introduced an intriguing concept during our conversation – the idea of choosing one word each year to guide personal and professional growth. This practice, far from being a mere exercise in semantics, is about setting a focused intention that resonates deeply with one's current aspirations and challenges.

Jasmine started practicing this method around 2017, using it as a tool for introspection and direction. Each year, she selects a word that embodies her goals, challenges, and the person she aspires to become. For example, one year, she chose 'courage' – a reminder to herself to face fears head-on and take bold steps in her business and personal life. Another year, the word was 'surrender', signifying a period of letting go of the need to control every outcome and instead, trust in the journey.

This practice goes beyond a New Year's resolution; it's a year-long commitment to growth in a specific, guided direction. The word acts as a compass, steering decisions, actions, and thoughts toward a defined goal. It's a simple yet wise way to bring clarity and focus to the complexities of life and work.

So, what word would you choose for your year? How might it shape your decisions, actions, and mindset?

Evolving Marketing Strategies in Business

As Jasmine Star and I discussed on the show, the landscape of marketing is constantly evolving, and adapting to new technologies, platforms, and consumer behaviors. This section examines the importance of staying agile and informed about the latest trends in marketing strategies to ensure your business remains competitive and resonant with your audience.

  1. Adapting and Embracing New Platforms
    Staying ahead means being agile and receptive to the emergence of new platforms. Jasmine and I discussed how businesses must embrace platforms like TikTok or Instagram Reels, not just as trends, but as vital tools to engage a broader, more dynamic audience. This adaptation requires a keen eye for where your audience is moving and the flexibility to experiment with new forms of content.
  2. Understanding Your Audience
    A successful marketing strategy goes beyond surface-level demographics. We emphasized the need to understand the deeper motivations, pain points, and lifestyle choices of your target audience. This deeper understanding allows for more personalized, impactful marketing efforts that resonate on a more meaningful level with your audience.
  3. Authenticity and Value
    Authenticity is the cornerstone of effective marketing. Our discussion highlighted that content should not just sell, but tell a story, provide value, and build genuine connections. This approach is about creating content that reflects your brand's values and ethos, making your audience feel understood and appreciated, rather than just another target for sales.

Embracing Entrepreneurship Challenges

The entrepreneurial journey is filled with challenges that are as integral as they are enlightening. In my insightful exchange with Jasmine Star, we highlighted key hurdles faced by entrepreneurs and how overcoming them contributes to both personal and professional growth.

A common challenge is the feeling of isolation and the mental resilience it demands. Entrepreneurs often navigate uncharted territories alone, making crucial decisions independently. This requires mental toughness and a continuous drive to push through tough periods.

Another aspect is the need for constant adaptation and learning. The ever-changing business environment necessitates staying updated with market trends and sometimes pivoting your approach. Flexibility and eagerness to learn are crucial for lasting success.

Moreover, we discussed how failures are valuable learning opportunities. Each setback provides lessons that are essential for growth. Successful entrepreneurs distinguish themselves by how they transform these experiences into stepping stones for future success.


In conclusion, our discussion, though comprehensive, only touches on a fraction of the valuable insights Jasmine and I shared. For anyone jumping on an entrepreneurial journey, the lessons in business growth, personal development, and resilience we discussed can be incredibly beneficial. I'd love to hear your own experiences and thoughts in the comments below.

Don't miss out on more empowering content - make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel and listen to my podcast. And for those of you seeking an in-depth exploration of wealth-building strategies, I recommend picking up a copy of my Wall Street Journal bestselling book "Wealth Habits."

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