Simple thoughts,Ā actionable steps, and success principles to accelerate your path to a wealthier life.
Brick & Mortar vs. Online Business business business efficiency business growth business owner business strategy entrepreneurship goal setting success principles wealth building Nov 21, 2023


Diving into the Business World with Candy Valentino

Today, we're digging deep into the heart of business strategy, exploring the dynamic landscapes of brick-and-mortar establishments and...

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How to Use S.M.A.R.T Goals to Drive Business Growth Aug 17, 2023

Have you ever wondered how you can set effective goals? 

What steps do you need to take so you can set goals that you actually achieve?

Let me introduce you to the S.M.A.R.T goals strategy...

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Unlock Success with 11 Key Lessons from Top Entrepreneurs business business growth business strategy entrepreneurial journey entrepreneurship personal development success principles Aug 14, 2023

We dropped the 100th episode of Generation Wealth! This very special episode is a compilation of our best moments and most impactful lessons from our top guests.  

We covered everything...

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Scaling Your Startup: 5 Exits and 3 Laws of Scale to Succeed business business efficiency business finance business growth business owner business strategy entrepreneurial journey entrepreneurship goal setting productivity tips workload management Aug 03, 2023

Starting a business is an exciting journey filled with challenges and triumphs. 

In the startup phase, three key elements drive success: what you sell, how you sell it, and having a team to...

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Are You a Fraud? Or Is It Imposter Syndrome business owner entrepreneurial journey entrepreneurship leadership mindset personal development productivity tips self education success principles Jul 31, 2023

There is a rising conversation about Impostor Syndrome and being a fraud that seems to pique the interest of high achievers. 

While many suggest we aren't impostors, just victims of Impostor...

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Building Wealth with Real Estate: Greater Returns with Less Capital entrepreneurship goal setting personalfinance real estate real estate investing success principles wealth wealth building Jul 20, 2023

For those who follow me on social media, you are well aware that I have been investing in real estate for close to a quarter-century. That makes me feel so old, so let’s say 25 years. Kinda...

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Understanding Trusts: A Tool for Wealth Protection and Growth Jul 13, 2023

Today, let's talk about a critical topic in wealth management - asset protection.

It's a common misconception that asset protection mechanisms are exclusive to the ultra-rich. Today, I'd like to...

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The Forbes 400 Wealthiest Have This One Thing in Common Jul 06, 2023

Building wealth and creating multiple streams of income is a dream for many, but how do you actually achieve it?

The answer lies in understanding the money-making strategies of the wealthiest...

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